What are Twin Flames? And 18 significant signs that you might have met yours

16 min readMar 17, 2023


„The only difference between magic and science is that magic is not fully understood yet.“

Before diving into the magical – and factual – world of Twin Flames, I want to leave a reminder that the term „Twin flame“ is just another label created by humans; it is an attempt to describe a sacred journey of Self-Realization that is beyond words.

I, personally like to use the term mirror soul, too.

So, it might be healthier to not get too attached to the label itself.

Alright, let’s dive into it.

Let’s break down the technical part of the term „Twin Flames“ first:

The term „Twin flames“ is one to describe one single energy/soul that splits itself into 2 and incarnates into two different physical bodies for its last incarnation on planet Earth.

It does this in order to accelarate its own spiritual evolution; whenever the two human beings that share this one single energy/soul meet, the evolution of both of them accelerates.

The Twin flame journey is all about Self-Realization through the embodiment of unconditional love.

In order to grasp the difference of conditional love and unconditional love, my other Blog called „Unconditional love vs. conditional love“ might give you an insight.

A mental and emotional individual wholeness reached from within, or in other words an Individuation is essential – for the most part – for the soul to find and reach their first union with its mirror soul.

Twin Flames get regulalry confused with Soulmates. They do differ from each other, though.

Soulmates share be a deep soul-bond and can come into one’s life in the form of partnerships, friends, family members to other relations. Soulmates do not share the same exact energetic imprint as mirror souls do.

When it comes to partnerships, soulmate partners do not necessarily mirror each other, yet they do support each other in their growth, too.

Their first and foremost purpose is guidance and company, not Self-Realization.

That is why soulmate relationships tend to be less intense. Unlike Twin Flames, they tend to move on for good after the lessons and the growth have been integrated.

The incarnation of Twin Flames is very rare, yet more common on planet Earth nowadays. That is because the frequencies on the planet are rising, which makes their union and their embodiment of unconditional love easier.

Not everyone does have a Twin Flame. Only souls that aim to Self-Realize and not reincarnate on Earth again do have Twin Flames.

Twin Flames are connected by an energetic cord that is attached on both of each other’s heart chakra. The entire connection is heart-based.

The split of the same soul causes the Twin Flames to be one another’s reflections.

The ultimate Twin Flame anthem:

Justin Timberlake – Mirrors <3

Shout out to Justin for having created this masterpiece! :)

Twin flames will most often unconsciously amplify the positive an bright aspects of each other and also mirror each other's insecurities, fears and traumas to you that might need to work on and heal.

Twin flames have higher purposes and missions on planet earth they seek to fulfill. They might have more than one purpose or mission they want to realize.

On a bigger scale, these purposes and missions are to raise the vibration on planet earth for the collective consciousness and they are deeply related to their passions; to the things they wholeheartedly, blissfully and joyfully love to do. ✨

They have the same or very similar passions and thus do encourage and support each other to go after them.

They both might have certain talents, which fit like a puzzle and when joined together; their team work facilitates the actualization of their missions.

They won’t go after their missions only when together. Before encountering each other, their intuition will mainly and for the most part guide them to work on their missions by themselves. Yet – when together – their pursuit of their missions speed up. They are each other’s cheer-leaders, when it comes to awaken inspiration within each other to go after their missions.

Because of the Twin Flames being highly sensitive and empathetic beings with an old and mature soul, they do evolve and grow separately in a fast way, too.

Yet, when encountering each other, their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects evolve faster than ever before.

With Twin Flames, there is a leader Twin Flame, the one that is rationally aware of the divinity of the connection and spiritually advanced and the other Twin Flame that is unaware of the divinity of the connection and less spiritually advanced (also called ‘matrix Twin Flame’).

The unaware Twin Flame usually senses that the connection is special and different, yet won’t really be able to put their finger on what it is.

Thus, the symptoms listed below might be more present in the leader Twin flame first. The unaware Twin Flame will experience these symptoms, too, often times with a later timing.

The leader Twin flame might experience these symptoms extremely fast paced and with a high intensity, while for the unaware Twin Flame, the symptoms might be more spread out and subtle throughout the whole Twin Flame journey.

Important note: The „unaware“ Twin Flame might be very much emotionally mature. The term unawareness is related to the non-recognition of the divinity of the connection, which is also related to their spiritual progress. They might even be higher in frequency than their counterpart, yet they do not have the same amount of the spiritual experiences nor a direct openeness to the spiritual world, like their counterpart does.

The unaware Twin flame is more immersed with the 3D reality or so called matrix and if these changes would happen suddenly, their mental, emotional and physical bodies would be too overwhelmed and almost not capable to bear these sudden shifts.

Twin Flames represent the Yin/Yang. One of them embodies the Masculine Energy more heavily, while the other predominantly embodies the Feminine Energy of the split soul.

Usually, the leader Twin flame is the Divine Feminine energy in the connection. Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine describe the polar energies of the Yin/Yang.

Important: the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine are energy-related, not gender-related.

When the Twin Flames are in union, they make one single unit, as in

1 + 1 = 1

and at the same time they merge with a unified third energy of unconditional love, as in

1 + 1 = 3

This third energy is like a sacred energetic presence of a warm surrounding light, which is at the same time a Divine bubble that carries both Twin Flames in it.

So let’s get to the signs of a Twin Flame union.

1. You feel a sense of having come „home“ and a sense of completion

Once you meet your twin flame, you realize how the connection between the two of you flows effortlessly and naturally.

It might feel like they have always been in your life, as if there had not been a time that they weren’t there.

Their energy feels deeply familiar to you. You simply know. You feel deep down within you that this might be „The One“.

You have a deep sense of having come „home“ after a long journey of living in a world of Duality. It’s like you can let out a deep deep „sigh“ and relax.

Since your counterpart shares the same energy/soul in another physical body, you feel a sense of completion.

It is very important to understand that this sense of completion is not stemming from an emotional lack of each Twin Flame.

This sense of completion happens on a soul level, beyond the Ego personality; it stems from the soul’s recognition of it’s other half.

It is not to be confused with Co-dependency. The Twin Flame union cannot function through Co-Dependency; it requires each individual to be emotionally independent and emotionally mature for the Union to thrive.

This sense of completion is also present due to the Twin Flames representing the Yin/Yang; one Twin Flame might be more outspoken, while the other one might be more internalizing their emotions.

Yet, with further physical closeness, the soul merge happens, they then transfer parts of their personality traits to one another. The soul merge is explained at point 7.

2. You feel safe, seen, heard and respected

You feel 100% safe around them. They always make an effort in trying to understand your experience.

Thus, through their effort in trying to understand your experinece, you always feel seen and heard.

You feel bubbly, calm, warm and fully embraced. They always respect you and will do anything to not hurt you or cause harm on purpose.

Opening up to this person will just come naturally. You might find yourself sharing your deepest secrets, traumas you might have experienced and your innermost with them.

3. Your inner child comes alive

There is so much shared joy and fun in this connection that it brings alive your playful, curious, joyful, inspired and creative inner child.

You have an effortlessly matching sense of humor and moments of pure fun and joy together.

Your inner child’s curious and adventurous nature awakens, which will make you open to learn, explore and grow.

You both have your insider jokes and become best friends right away. You can be your silly Self around them and they join you in that.

4. Spiritual ascension/Kundalini awakening symptoms

Right after meeting your Twin flame or later on in the journey, you might experience a Kundalini awakening.

The symptoms are present on all levels, such as the physical, mental, emotional and on the spiritual level.

The Kundalini is an energy coiled on the base of your spine and once it gets activates, it rises upwards to the crown chakra. It is the energy of Self-Realization. This connection will bring you closer to your authentic Self in a fast paced way.

The Kundalini energy might cause discomfort or even pain in your body, especially in certain areas along your spine up to your head – if there are energy blockages present in the chakras.

If this would be your first big Kundalini rising, your whole system might need to undergo many purges.

After a certain time, when the Kundalini rises up more effortlessly, you might feel lighter in your physical body, see colors brighter, hear things clearer and deeper in dimension, feel calmer, be more connected to your authentic Self.

This is because the major ascensions in dimensions have occured; your soul ascended to a higher state of being/dimension.

5. Enhanced Inspiration and Creativity

Do you suddenly feel more inspiration and creative energy bursting through your chest since you have came across this person?

Do you feel more inspired again to follow your intuition and to go on a journey of blissful and joyful creation by doing the things you love to do?

Your Twin Flame will do anything for you to feel that spark for your passion again.

6. Sudden changes in your habits and in your physical world and their effects

Have certain things in your physical life suddenly started to change after meeting this person?

Did you suddenly start to eat and drink differently than you did before? Or did you stop consuming things that might be unhealthy to your system? Did you lose your job? Did you have the urge to distance yourself from superficial connections in your life?

The Twin Flame encounter prepares you to distance yourself from everything that keeps your soul in a lower frequency, or in other words away from your authentic Self, in order to speed up and accelerate your soul’s ascension.

7. Supporting each other’s growth and leading each other towards each other’s mission/purpose

You might suddenly find yourself gifting each other books in the area of self-help, spirituality, psychology, creativity etc. or other tools that support each other’s soul growth and personal maturing.

You might ask each other deep personal questions about one another’s passions to awaken or rekindle the spark and drive within each other.

Twin Flames usually have very similar, if not the same exact main passion.

And oftentimes, the roles of these passions in their connection go hand in hand like the Ying/Yang. This is thought due to the one or more missions Twin Flames want to realize in this lifetime.

So, they can work separately, but also together on their mission.

8. Your surroundings will realize the difference and uniqueness of this connection

People surrounding you might give you feedbacks, such as this connection seeming to be special and different than the ones they have witnessed you being in before.

They may say that you interact differently with this person as you have with the ones before.

Some friends might jokingly make hints to marriage and children, even in the very early stages of the relationship.

9. Pain, palpitations and pull in the heart area

Because Twin Flames are connected through an eternal energetic cord that is attached to each other’s heart chakra, they might experience certain sensations such as an ongoing, yet not a very prominent pain in the heart area, heart palpitations that they might feel like electrical pats on top of each other and an energetic pull on their heart area.

Note: If such symptoms occur, it is always recommended to go to a doctor to check if there’s a physical issue present first.

10. Their friends embrace you and vice versa

Your friends circles start to unite and your friends embrace and like them just as they are and their friends do that, too, with you.

You get along with their friends effortlessly and they do the same with yours.

11. Chakra activation/Soul merge

When getting physically in touch with your Twin Flame, the chakra activation starts to fasten. There might be a sensation of a constant warm and bright light surrounding you.

You might feel a blissful warmth and a subtle pull in all of your chakras. Whenever you hug or kiss them, you feel a sense of outworldly joy and a deep calmness at the same time.

This activation can be felt intensely, when both Twin Flames put their foreheads against each other and stay or meditate in this pose for a while.

When the energies start to merge, some personality traits – including the polar opposite traits– are being transferred to one another.

If you’re more of an outspoken person and your Twin Flame enjoys silence more, you might now have tendencies to allow silence to be a comforting part of your own life.

Your style, taste in music, taste in food etc. might at the same time start to merge, too.

12. Mirroring

Due to the connection holding so much light and love, just being in there presence of your Twin flame can trigger many unresolved traumas and issues, insecurities and fears within you.

You might run to therapy more than before or you might use other tools for healing these emotional wounds.

The energy of the connection redirects you to take responsibility of yourself.

This doesn’t mean that there won’t be arguments or moments of confusion, anger, fears and tears.

You take responsibility of your part of the issue and you are willing to work on it.

13. Sexual healing

Uniting sexually with your Twin Flame causes your body to heal any energetic imbalances in your sacral chakra and genital area from possible former encounters.

You understand for the very first time that Sex is Sacred-Energy-Xchange.

The sexual union is a heavenly one; it accelerates the ascension of the soul.

The transformative and healing love-making takes you to a space beyond time; it is an experience of feeling 100% of safety and love.

One like you have never experienced before.

Pure light and love is being created..

14. Unconditional love

The nature of this connection is unconditional love. Your whole being basks into unconditional love. It isn’t possible to internalize and grow a feeling of hatred towards your Twin Flame.

You don't do that in a conscious way; the energy of this connection is pure unconditional love.

Let’s try to define love.

Love is beyond any emotion, it is a state of being. Love in itself is always unconditional; I highlight the description of love with „unconditional“, because in the Dual reality, love is being perceived as an emotion of highs and its opposite is mistakenly perceived as hate.

Love’s opposite isn’t hate. Love does not have any opposite, because it is the one ultimate and highest truth. Hate is merely a humane barrier to the love’s unconditional nature.

You realize that what you had thought love was until meeting your Twin Flame, is not really love.

You realize how you unkowingly had confused romantic love with unconditional love until you met them. Although, romantic love might be a breathtakingly beautiful aspect of the connection, it is not its base. If romantic love was its base, the love would be conditional.

This encounter causes your soul to vibrate more and more on the frequency of unconditional love: namely in the 5th Dimension, in the Unity Consciousness and in the Oneness of the Universe.

And through this state of being in a frequency of unconditional love, you become more and more your authentic Self: everyone’s authentic Self is vibrating on the love frequency. Your authentic Self is love itself.

You feel a freedom to be yourself and will experience an acceptance of your being like you might have never felt before.

There’s no energy of control or of limiting one other.

The love sets you free!

15. They have various roles in one in your life such as a romantic partner, a best friend, a teacher, a guide etc.

Your Twin Flame is your greatest teacher when it comes to love.

They have various roles in your life: one time, they might act as a teacher or a guide for you to see higher perspectives and for you to reflect on your own way of approach of a situation; and another time, the both of you might act like life-long best friends that feel overjoyed from laughing at the most random and silly things.

16. Conflicts are being handled in a solution oriented way

Whenever a conflict arises, Twin Flames tend to hear out each other’s perspectives in the attempt of understanding each other’s experience.

Oftentimes, they try to solve an issue from the view of a 3d person; both do aim to focus on solving the issue in an objective way and will discuss about ways of finding solutions for the deep root cause of the conflict for an avoidance of recurrence.

17. Ability to sense the connection, their energetic presence and their emotions in your physical body

Because Twin Flames do share an identical chakra system, you might be able to sense their energetic presence from afar as a bright and warm light that surrounds you and thus you are constantly immersed in the connection’s energy.

Sometimes, during times of intensity, you might even feel their emotions from afar on your physical body.

18. Synchronicities/’Deja Vu’s occur and Numerology confirms that you are Twin Flames

You might experience uncanny „coincidences“, which are called synchronicities and you might have multiple ‘Deja Vu’s when together.

Numerology confirms that you are Twin Flames:

Adding the Divine Masculine’s life path number with the Divine Feminine’s life path number, for example: 9 + 6 = 15 and then adding the both digits of the result: 1 + 5, it will equal again the life path number of the leader Twin Flame (Divine Feminine), which is the number 6.

You both will have the same soul urge/heart’s desire number (That’s because you share the same soul and thus you both seek the same template of living to fulfill your purpose.)

If most of the signs above match your experience, then the chances are high that you might have met your Twin Flame! Tune into your heart to find your answers.

Since this journey is about Self-Realization, the mirroring aspect and the energetic shifts might cause feelings such as anxiety, fear or unease along the journey.

The Ego, which is the identifications one believes to be, is oftentimes not prepared for such triggerings caused by the mirroring aspect.

The Ego identities and the Self are polar opposites.

The Ego personalites are built on endless narratives about who we were told to be. On the contrary, the Self is authentic, free, flowing and non-attached to identifications.

The Ego, usually wants to hold on to its old patterns due to a fear of a collapse of its identifications.

This journey can be in some ways compared to a roller-coaster ride. Twin Flames do tend to separate once or a few times as a consequence of the above stated reasons.

Permanent and blissful Union can be reached, when each of the Twin Flames has worked on their own insecurities, fears, traumas and coping mechanisms in order to shift the energy within themselves and ascend further into the 5th Dimension.

If you are an old soul and lucky enough to have came across your Twin Flame in the physical plane:

How blessed you are! Enjoy this sacred journey!

In an upcoming article, I will be talking about the various stages of a Twin Flame journey.

Peace and Love ✨🙏🏻


RA Channel




An individual that loves to write about psychology, spirituality, love, creativity, art and Self-realization