The Purpose of a Twin Flame Journey

4 min readMar 25, 2023


The purpose of a Twin Flame jouney is the Self-Realization of the soul.

During this journey of Self-Realization, the very unique gifts and potentials of each Twin Flame are being brought forth, so that they can fulfill their missions – by themselves and when in union.

Since the missions come alive more when the sacred Union of the Twin Flames occur, the outcome of their missions is automatically going to raise and accelerate the vibration on planet Earth towards Unity Consciousness.

If you want to have further information about the technical break down of the term “Twin Flames” , you can check my other article called “What are Twin Flames? And 18 signs you might have met yours”.

Shortly summarized, “Twin Flames” is a term for one soul that splits itself into 2 for its last incarnation on Earth with the soul’s aim to Self-Realize.

The soul then incarnates into two different physical bodies for its last incarnation on planet Earth.

The Split happens in the template of the Yin/Yang.

One Twin Flame embodies the Masculine polarity more heavily, which also contains the Feminine polarity in it – and the other Twin Flame embodies the Feminine polarity more heavily, which also contains the Masculine polarity in it.

In spiritual terms, the Feminine and the Masculine polarities are called the “Divine Feminine” and the “Divine Masculine”; the purpose of these terms is to focus on the energetic aspects of the polarities – since they are not gender-related.

When the soul incarnates separated into 2 units, it goes first on a journey of Self-Realization on its own; it learns to grow through obstacles and transform and alchemize its own part of the soul fully in order to feel whole by itself.

Most often the Twin Flame encounter happens, when the the Twin Flames are just about to feel whole by themselves: when they are close to have the capacity to embody unconditional love.

When the Twin Flames meet, a miraculous mixture of them living and reaching a state of heavenly love occurs and them experiencing triggers that awakens each other’s Shadow parts of their own psyche arises.

The connection’s energy redirects each Twin Flame to take responsibility to face and heal the awakened parts of their own Shadow.

A deep and profound spiritual awakening occurs.

This mixture accelerates their shift towards Unity consciousness in an extreme fast paced way and progresses the merge of the split soul into one single unit again; which then causes the merged soul to be independently present in each Twin Flame. The process that leads to this is called mirroring.

When the holy Twin Flame encounter happens, the soul realizes that the other part of itself (the other Twin Flame) reflects to them everything they needed, but couldn’t have realized alone in order to feel whole within; this happens through the mirroring aspect of the Twin Flame journey.

The more mirroring happens, the more the split soul starts to feel whole by itself.

The aim of the mirroring aspect is to make each and one of the Twin Flames fully emotionally independent, mature and wise beings by themselves; it causes the split soul to become whole units by themselves; so that each of the Twin Flames embodies the Yin/Yang within themselves.

The ultimate purpose of the Twin Flame journey is for each of them to to transced Duality Conciousness and to come “home” to the universal Self.

The base of the Twin Flame connection is unconditional love.

And love is, what we all – really are.

Peace and Love, ✨


RA Channel




An individual that loves to write about psychology, spirituality, love, creativity, art and Self-realization