Welcoming Inspiration

3 min readMar 19, 2023


I feel inspired to write about inspiration. ✨

What a lovely encounter with inspiration that is!

It wants me to introduce itself to you!

Without further ado, let’s try to understand the source of inspiration.

Where does inspiration come from? What’s its birthplace?

Not an easy question – with no definite answer. Yet, according to my encounters with inspiration, I can confirm that inspiration comes from a mystical source, similar like its originator „creativity“ does.

Whenever we follow our intuition; our soul’s whisper; the compass of our very hearts, inspiration knocks on our door.

It stands right infront of us in all of its glory and wants us to welcome it and work with it; or better said, work „through“ it, since its configuration is like a channel or a doorway to the infinite potentials of the universe.

The universe wants to speak through you! How magical is that!

How do you know it is inspiration that knocked on your door?

Inspiration’s presence is subtle, yet striking.

When encountering it, you’ll feel a buzzing sensation; a sparkly and twinkly feeling of excitement in your whole body.

Whenever we choose to welcome inspiration, we create magic.

This huge mystical portal opens up infront of our beings and invites us to dive right into it – just to come out on the other end with an utterly unique and goosebumps-triggering work of creation.

Yes, whenever someone creates through inspiration, then the observation and absorption of this creation will send shivers along our spine.

That is because, whenever we follow our soul’s whisper, it guides us to the yet undiscovered corners of the universe to create a manifestation that comes from the heart of the universe, from beyond our human little selves.

Inspiration is the universe’s „Hello!“ and thus its urge of wanting to be heard by us.

A wonderful book that is issuing inspiration and creativity is the book of Elizabeth Gilbert, called „Big Magic“; it is a book created through inspiration!

A work of art that has been brought alive through inspiration is being recognized by the hearts of the consumers.

If you hear your soul’s whisper and follow it, you’ll be guided to heavenly encounters with inspiration.

And if you encounter and welcome inspiration, do yourself a favor and let it lead you.

It will take you to the source of the collective infinite creative energy; right there and then, magic will happen.

Follow your curious hearts, dear seekers!

Love and Peace, ✨


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An individual that loves to write about psychology, spirituality, love, creativity, art and Self-realization