Following Intuition

2 min readMar 17, 2023


You might have come across the word ‘Intuition’ pretty often and thus have some sort of an idea of it.

Some might use words, such as ‘gut feeling’, ‘inner voice’ or ‘heart’ to describe Intuition.

But what is it, really? What is its purpose?

Our intuition is our inner guide, our soul’s whisper. Its hints are subtle.

I guess, that is the easiest way to separate inuition from an emotion.

An emotion will be felt way stronger and oftentimes it wants to trigger a reaction.

On the other hand, intuition will only request a „yes“ or „no“ from you; not in the form of words, though.

For instance, you may find yourself not knowing if you should take a certain step or not and you may try to over-rationalize the decision-making, yet your intuition might direct you to simply go for it.

On my own journey, I’ve found out that the more I follow my Intuition, the more it leads me closer to live in and connect with my authentic Self.

That’s why I love to call it my soul’s whisper.

When my mind doesn’t know the way – which most often is the case – my soul tends to whisper to my being, which then would light up a path for me to walk.

The more you follow your soul’s whisper, the more frequently and clearer you’ll be able to hear it.

And considering that intuition will result in you to feel more connected to your authentic Self, you’ll feel sparks of endless joy and freedom, when following its direction.

You’ll know simply that this is the direction. These inner states of blissful transcendence will ensure you that you follow the compass of your heart.

Your soul’s whisper is your compass leading you home to yourself, to your spiritual ascension, to realizing your potentials and to live out your purpose and mission.

Once you become rationally aware and conscious to listen to this subtle voice more frequently, magic will happen.

Your Intuition wants to be heard by you.

Follow its hints!

Love and Peace, ✨


RA Channel




An individual that loves to write about psychology, spirituality, love, creativity, art and Self-realization