About Highly Sensitive People

3 min readMar 20, 2023


Highly sensitive people carry wonderful and outworldly gifts within their soft and compassionate hearts.

They are at the same time highly intuitive beings. (To gain further insight about the nature of the intuition, you can take a look at my other blog called „Following Intuition“).

Highly sensitive people tend to be deeply empathetic and imaginative beings and they usually are an open channel to creativity.

As children, they tend to have endless curiousity and thus were prone to have big and complex questions about life.

They are natural seekers.

Their explorative nature directs them to mind travel to the universe’s mysterious corners of infinite possibilities and to the sea of boundless etheric information.

Most of them were – and still are – instinctive observers of their surroundings.

One of their most honorable traits is that they like to think before they speak; that is, because they prefer to choose their words wisely in order to put out valuable, necesary information and also to avoid unnecessarily hurting anyone’s feelings.

Sadly, this height in sensitivity of the children can be misinterpreted by people surrounding them – most often by their caregivers.

Being high in sensitivity is a power, an inner strength of heart and soul.

Yet, people who do not posess similar height in sensitivity, can confuse the calmness and stillness of the child for emotional weakness.

That is where the tricky part of the journey for highly sensitive children start. They, most often, will start to see their sensitivity as a negative personality trait, when in it is in reality a reflection of their soul’s maturity.

Thus, they might try to disconnect from their sensitivity and as a result of that, they tend to build walls around their sensitive essence through Personas and other Ego personalities.

In the 3D world, protecting oneself is being put equal to having coping strategies, such as posessing a “thick skin” and back-firing with defense to a possible emotional threat.

Yet, these instruments are the protective mechanisms of the Ego and are fear-based.

Being highly sensitive is actually what “protects” one on all levels; the emotional mature soul will be able to distingsh their own experience and the experience of the other – they won’t take emotional venom thrown at them personally and will automatically try to understand the other’s experience and their inner conflicts.

That is the highest form of inner “protection”.

The Ego “strength” is actually an illusory wall that is built around one’s fears of getting hurt.

It is not the same as true inner strength.

From a spiritual perspective, highly sensitive people are almost always old and mature souls that have incarnated to fulfill their heart’s purposes through their passions and inner callings.

To all the highly sensitive people, who read this: I hope that you remind yourself that your essence is a true gift to yourself and at the same time to the world.

And I hope that you carry your heart wide open and experience life with all of its colors and depths – just like your very heart desires to experience it.

You are a feeler, a healer and a revealer of truth.

Own your superpower!

Love and Peace, ✨


RA Channel




An individual that loves to write about psychology, spirituality, love, creativity, art and Self-realization